

Wait! Don’t forget to let us know about the event you attended!


The Team at Dystopia Rising:Massachusetts are very interested in your feedback. We highly recommend that if you have feedback from an event you attended, you write it down and think on it, and submit it no earlier than the Tuesday after the event. Taking time to reflect on what you’d like to submit will also allow us to decompress (we’re exhausted humans too) after an event, fully read it, and get back to you. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with information that will help us improve everyone’s experience.


We’re working hard to provide you the best experience possible and want to allow you as many opportunities to connect with us to your comfort level. Below, you’ll find a button that will take you to a completely third-party reporting interface that will allow you to not only submit anonymous feedback but will allow us to converse with you without revealing any of your information.